Banda affects life in Chitwan, Nawalparasi

BHARATPUR, JUL 30 - Normal life in Chitwan and nawalparasi was affected on Wednesday due to banda enforced by the supporters of Hindu state.
The transportation was disrupted while market places in Bharatpur , the district headquarters of Chitwan, and other areas along the major roads remained closed. While the vehicles for both long and short routes could not ply the road, police escorted some vehicles ferrying foreign tourists to their destinations.
The banda enforcers took to the streets since the early morning and staged demonstration throughout the day, demanding that Nepal be reinstated as a Hindu state. Meanwhile, the security personnel detained seven protesters for obstructing the vehicles. They were released in the evening.  Also in Nawalparasi, the vehicular movement was disrupted through the day due to protests by the followers of religious leader Swami Kamalnayanacharya, demanding that Nepal be declared a Hindu state.
The protesters staged demonstrations at Gaidakot, Dumkauli, Rajahar, Kawasoti, Dumkibas, Bardaghat, Tribeni, Sunwal among other places along the busy East West highway, leaving hundreds of passengers stranded. The passengers complained that police remained mute spectators while the protesters blocked the highway.
The stranded passengers complained that the local businesspersons were charging exorbitant price on daily essentials taking undue advantage of the situation. The roadside vendors were charging Rs40 for a cup of tea and Rs 50 for one litre bottled water, said Nayan Singh Kathayat, a Achham-bound passenger. Nawalparasi CDO  claimed that a team was mobilised to monitor the price.


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