7 Ways to Use Lemons for Beauty

We all use lemon in cooking because of the taste, or like a home remedy for many issues, but we also use it for beauty. The lemon lightens the skin and the hair, and it also has characteristics that are disinfectant and astringent. 
Here are the 7 ways that you can use lemons for beauty:
1. Lemon hydrates your lips
There are a lot of factors and products that making your lip look dry. Before sleeping put a little bit of lemon juice on your lips. Your lips will be hydrated.
2. Use lemon for armpit skin
The lemon will remove the dark stains from your body and also is acting as a deodorant. It is the lemon’s citric whose responsibility is to eliminate the bacteria that is causing bad smell. Make a mixture from lemon juice, honey and oatmeal, and place the mixture on your armpits. Leave it work for an hour.
3. Eliminate blackheads with lemon
The lemons are cleaning the skin and are stimulating removing of toxins, which makes them great fighters against blackheads. Scour a lemon to the skin and leave it for 10 minutes, make sure you aren’t exposed on the sun during this treatment because it could cause stains. Because of the antibacterial and astringent characteristics the lemon betters the skin’s appearance and stimulates excess oil removal.
4. Lemon provides skin care
Lemon is very helpful for those people who have oily skin. Before sleeping squeeze one lemon and use a spray or cotton apply it on your face. It is best to implement this process overnight because you shouldn’t expose yourself on the sun. Thanks to its astringent characteristics it will noticeable improve the skin’s appearance and stimulate excess oil removal.
5. Use lemons as nail whitener and strengthener
The lemon is perfect for your nails, it will strengthen them and will remove any marks from them. Mix some lemon juice with 2 tablespoons of olive oil and then put it on your nails.
6. Use lemon to reduce and improve the marks
Put some lemon juice on the affected area and leave it to work for 15 minutes and then rinse it off. This is very efficient way to diminish and improve the appearing of marks. The best time for doing this treatment is through the night because the sun can cause opposite reactions.
7. Use lemon to lighten your hair
This is the lemon’s most common beauty use, and it has been proven that the lemon is very effective for your hair. Put some lemon juice on your hair and expose it on the sun, your hair will be lighter and shinier than before. If you like to have good results do this process once in a week.


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