5 Things to Remove Eye Dark Circles Homemade

It is said that eyes are the doorway towards heart. Beautiful eyes always attract and appeal people. Love begins from here and therefore, they have to be enticing. But what if they have dark shadows around them? 
Would they be still counted as beautiful? Would they be still considered as enticing? Would they still be appealing? No, dark circles will take away all the enchantment from them. One more thing worth-mentioning over here is all eyes are beautiful in their own way except for those having dark circles. Hence, if you want to retain your beauty remove dark eye circles by adopting homemade techniques.
First of all, let us ponder over the causes of dark eye shadows. According to experts they are made due to many factors such as aging, distress, hereditary issues, sleeplessness, unhealthy diet, overthinking, overworking and over crying etc.
We offer you five easy and simple ways to rid from dark eye rings. Try them out and experience magical results:-
Eye Dark Circle with Lemon HomemadeLemon Juice
Lemon is probably the best remedy to remove dark shadows for it contains Vitamin C. it is because it has the property of lighten the skin tone naturally. There are two options to apply it:
For 10 minutes, apply its juice under the eyes by using a cotton bud. Wash if off afterwards and keep doing it six days a week for required results. Apply lemon juice along with turmeric powder under the dark rings for five minutes and then rinse off. Do it three times a day for best outcomes.
Romove Dark Circle with Tomato
Tomato serves as the best home remedy for eradicating dark shadows from eyes. As it has bleaching and hence, skin lightening effects.
  • Take a bowl and mash a small tomato in it. Also cut a slice of tomato in it. Apply this slice on eyes for five minutes, twice a day.
  • Or take the mashed tomato juice and mix some drops of lemon in it. Put them on dark circles for ten minutes each day for three weeks and see results.
  • Have tomato, lemon, salt and mint leaves and blend them well together. Now drink this juice twice a day for five weeks.
Rose Water
For centuries, rose water served as a women’s favorite ingredient because of its magical properties. Along with its hundreds of other benefits, it also works well for removing dark rings.
Use cotton buds to soak them in rose water; now apply it on thrice a day. Rose water not only removes dark circles but also makes eyes glowing and therefore, enchanting.
Cucumber also has astringent effects. It is always known for giving eyes a soothing and cool sensation as well. Use cucumber slice on dark shadows for about fifteen minutes and rub it gently afterwards. Or mix cucumber juice with lemon juice and apply this mixture for five minutes under eyes. Keep doing it for three days for instant result.
Lastly, raw potato juice is also useful for reducing dark circles and puffiness from eyes. It is because potato is also a blanching agent for your skin tone.
In a nutshell, all above mentioned remedies are helpful in making your eyes worth looking it. Only one thing to keep in mind is the sustainability of their use. In this way you can easily remove the eye dark circles spot.


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