Showing posts with label skin care. Show all posts
Showing posts with label skin care. Show all posts
20 easy winter health tips

For optimum health it is vital to eat a well balanced diet that is high in fibre and includes all the major food groups.
  1. For optimum health it is vital to include both soluble and insoluble fibre daily. Soluble fibre is found in foods such as psyllium husk, apples, oat bran and legumes (chickpeas, lentils). Sources of insoluble fibre include whole grains, broccoli, nuts, seeds and vegetable skins.
  2. Including fibre in your diet will offer benefits beyond your bowel. Fibre plays an important role in helping to prevent serious health conditions. Fibre can also help manage the digestive complaints associated with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
  3. The easiest way to boost your fibre intake is to eat foods in their most natural state i.e. fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grains (steel cut oats, rolled rye, brown rice, whole-wheat), legumes, nuts and seeds. If you are struggling to reach the recommended 25-30g of fibre per day, you may wish to boost your intake with a fibre supplement made from psyllium husk.
  4. Make it a priority to drink 500ml of water before breakfast. Staying well hydrated will give you more energy, mental clarity and enhanced digestive function.
    Teresa Boyce, Health Whisperer/Nutritionist.
  5. The first step to good nutrition is to remove all highly processed foods from your kitchen. This will allow room for nutrient dense, fresh foods.
  6. Preparation is key, plan your meals at the start of the week, pre cook and freeze meals ahead of busy days and always carry healthy snacks in your bag for when you are on the run.
  7. Make an effort to include raw foods such as fruits, vegetables, sprouts, nuts, seeds and fresh herbs. Raw foods provide enzymes, vitamins and disease protective antioxidants.
  8. When it comes to fruits and vegetables variety is a must. Take the time to learn what is in season and try something new. Selecting seasonal produce ensures variety, optimal taste and quality.
  9. When preparing meals you should simply think rainbow. If your plate is full of brightly coloured fresh produce you know you are on the right track.
  10. Drinking herbal tea is a tasty way to improve hydration. Herbal teas include ginger, mint, jasmine, lemon grass, and chamomile.
  11. A healthy diet is a balanced diet complete with all major food groups. Meals should contain a mixture of fibre rich carbohydrates, good quality protein and essential fatty acids.
  12. It is estimated between 30- 50% of Australia adults are deficient in vitamin D. The easiest way to increase vitamin D levels is by going for a walk outdoors and enjoying sensible sun exposure.
  13. Serving sizes have doubled over the years making it easy to overeat. Limit your portion size by eating from a smaller plate or bowl.
  14. Limit added sugars to no more than 10% of your daily calorie intake or 6- 10 teaspoons per day. To calculate how many teaspoons of sugar is in a food product divide the grams of sugar by 4. For example 16 grams of sugar is equivalent to 4 teaspoons of sugar.
  15. Probiotics are the beneficial ‘good’ bacteria essential for health and digestive function. Aim to consume probiotic rich foods like natural yogurt, fermented vegetables and fermented milk drinks on a regular basis.
  16. Health is a state of complete physical and mental well-being. Do not neglect your emotional health, take time out to stop, relax and breathe.
  17. Spice things up at meal times by using a variety of herbs and spices. Including fresh herbs will enhance flavour, texture and boost the nutrient value of any meal.
  18. Good quality sleep is vital for good health. Poor sleep can impact on everyday life affecting concentration, mood, stress levels and weight gain. Aim to get into bed early and enjoy around 8 hours of deep sleep.
  19. Fibre can benefit energy levels. Soluble fibre slows the rate of carbohydrate digestion and absorption therefore preventing blood sugar surges and crashes. Foods that are high in fibre are ideal choices for sustained, balanced energy throughout the day.
  20. Studies have indicated that consuming around 7g of soluble fibre per day can help lower blood cholesterol levels. Once consumed soluble fibre binds to cholesterol aiding its passage through the body and eventual elimination. Don’t forget to drink plenty of water, soluble fibre works best when partnered with water.
The ageing of skin is a biological process which includes two types —chronological ageing and photo-ageing. Chronological ageing is an intrinsic factor which is an inevitable process, whereas photo-ageing is an extrinsic factor which involves premature aging due to UV rays.
Can you remove dark circle in just 5 days? I know, you are thinking that how is it possible? Don’t worry! This article helps you to remove dark circles in few days. Dark staining of the skin below the eye is mostly recognized as dark circles. For anyone, the dark circles are very irritating because it spoil your good look. The Dark circles, eye shadow and eye bags under the eyes may appear weary as well as tired.
There are many causes of the occurrence of dark circles such as aging, heredity, dry skin, lack of sleep, unhealthy diet, dry skin, aging, prolonged crying, working for long hours in front of a computer and physical stress. There are many home remedies that are useful to remove dark circle in a few days.

Ways to Remove Dark Circles in 5 Days:

1. Healthy diet: A well-balanced plus Healthy diet plays an important role to remove dark circles in 5 days. So, involve salads, vegetables, fresh fruits, dairy products, beans, unprocessed milk, yogurt, sprouts and lentils.
2. Toner: Make a mixture by mixing 1 tablespoon aloe Vera gel or juice into 1 tablespoon of cucumber juice. Apply this around your eyes. You can also combine a teaspoon of asparagus juice or black tea. Cool it for 20 minutes, steep a cotton ball in the juice and wipe softly around the eyes. Let to dry prior to applying cream, makeup or serums.
3. Sufficient Sleep: Attempt to get at least of 8 hours of sleep each night. This method is very useful to remove dark rings along with eye bags. The blood goes in areas wherever the skin is thinner due to lack of sleep or rest and dark circles appears.
4. Almond Oil: Smear the almond oil surrounding your eyes for each day before going to bed. Let it for whole night on the skin and rinse it off in the morning. It benefits to lighten the color of dark circles.
5. Rose Water: Rose water involves skin care properties like cooling properties which helps to restore the skin under your eyes. Hence, steep some cotton ball into the rose water and apply on your closed eyelids. Permit it for 15 minutes. Do this regularly to reduce dark circles.
6. Drinking of Water: Hydrate your skin by drinking water prevents dark circles from rising below your eyes. Therefore, drink no less than a 12 to 14 glasses of pure drinking water each day to stay your eyes fresh as well as to diminish dark circles. Also decrease you’re eating of salty foods as it can create the body dehydrated.
7. Cold Compresses: Put some tea bags in the fridge and after some time take it out. Place it on your eyes near about 15 minutes. It is very beneficial to reduce dark rings as well as invigorate the skin. This is because it possesses cooling properties plus caffeine which supports to tense up the pores.
8. Ice-Cream: Apply some dollop of chilly ice cream lying on the exaggerated area plus leave it on for a short period. Then clean it off with water. It benefits to decrease the outcome of dark circles owing to its cooling properties.
9. Lemon Juice: Lemon juice involves bleaching properties and vitamin C. Smear this juice below your eyes through cotton balls and depart it there meant for ½ an hour. Soon after, wipe up by damp cloth. Do again 2 to 3 times a day for little days to notice a decrease in the color of the skin beneath your eyes.
How to Remove Dark Circles Around Eyes
Is your eyes are looking like Panda eyes? Yes, dark circle make you funny among your friends and relatives. At the present time, there are many women as well as men are feeling anxious about their look because of dark circles around the eyes. First of all, you have to know the cause of dark circle as it is responsible to spoil your prettiness or look. The major reason of this is lack of a sufficient amount sleep, offensive diet as well as tension etc.
Dark Circles around eyes
Tips to Remove Dark Circles Around Eyes:
1. Tea Bags:
Green teas contains anti oxidant properties owing to the occurrence of catechins, polyphenols, etc. These fundamentals assist to decrease dark circles. Soak a pair of tea bags in fresh, cold water meant for little minutes, exclude the extra water and put them above your eyes. Remain them for 15 minutes or so.
2.  Cucumbers:
Apply lean slices of cucumbers on the closed eyes for equal to 25 minutes. It helps to calm your weary eyes as well as raise the circulation around the eyes. You can also utilize cucumber juice round the eyes.
3. Lemon Juice:
Lemon contains Vitamin C that possesses the bleaching properties which benefits to throw away your dark circles. Plunge cotton balls in the bowl of lemon juice meant for a small number of minutes and place the cotton balls above the closed eyes.
4. Gram Flour:
Organize a thick paste by combining 1 tsp of tomato pulp, a bit of gram flour and turmeric powder. Smear the paste round your eyes plus let it be intended for 10 to 15 minutes. Wash it off carefully. Utilize this technique 2 to 3 times for each week. Rapidly your skin tone will turn into lighter as well as your circles will vanish.
5. Drinking Tomato Juice:
Combine juices of tomato, lemon with mint leaves. Put in a slight salt to flavor for drinking. Equally, you can drink a juice prepared from one tomato with 1tsp of lemon juice. You can also smear this on dark circles and rinse off after 20 minutes. Tomato helps to recover your skin nature and texture from both internally and externally.
6. Sufficient Sleep:
As you know that lack of sleep is responsible for rising dark circle under your eyes, then it is very important for you to take adequate sleep in nighttime. So, take at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep in order to remove dark circles around eyes.
7. Apple:
The tannin acid is present in Apple which lightens your skin nature. Moreover, it also comprises the potassium, vitamin B, vitamin C which is vital for the skin sustenance. Place slices of apple above your eyes and allow it for 30 minutes. Clean it off by cold water. You can also apply a paste of boiled green apple.
8. Fenugreek Seeds:
These seeds are loaded in vitamin C, potassium and protein which help to lighten the skin around your eyes. Steep 2 tsp of fenugreek seeds in water for 3 hours. Crush the seeds to create a smooth paste. Put in a bit of turmeric powder plus 1 tsp. of raw milk keen on the paste. Combine them well; Smear the paste beneath the eye. Later than 15 minutes, clean it off by cold water.
9. Rose Water:
Immerse cotton eye pad in rose water for a little minutes. Put these cotton pads on blocked eyes for concerning 15 to 20 minutes. Rose water encompasses efficient skin care property as well as calm the skin around eyes.
10. Turmeric:
Turmeric contains the anti-inflammatory as well as antioxidants substances that are significant for skin care. Get some turmeric powder also mixes it by a little pineapple liquid and prepares a paste. Smear this on your skin around eyes for 10 minutes and then wash with water.
Almond Oil is one of the most valued liquids that are known to have major benefits for a person who uses it regularly. The purpose serves both the aims of consumption as well as application. For hair and for skin almond oil serves a unique goal. The same is valid for sweet almond oil that serves a lot of health and beauty aims for you. The easy accessibility in all the departmental stores makes it all the more easier for you to reap the benefits. However, before you can start using the liquid, the best is to know about the advantages.
  To help you in a convenient way, the list below gives you the top notch benefits that you can expect by using sweet almond oil. Check them out and find out your reasons to use the sweet almond oil:
1. Natural Painkiller:
When used as massage oil, sweet almond liquid helps in releasing the pain from the body as well as all kinds of physical stress. This is one of the common needs that are fulfilled with only a simple topical use of sweet almond oil.
2. High Levels of Vitamins and Minerals:
Being highly rich as a source for vitamins and minerals including calcium, vitamin E, vitamin D, magnesium and potassium, this oil helps in restoring the balance in the nutritional requirement of the body each day. This helps in triggering healthy living for all.
3. Cardiac Health:
Folic acids, monounsaturated fats, protein and potassium in sweet almond oil ensure a perfect health for the heart as well. By including the sweet almond oil in the daily menu, you can easily keep away the various heart diseases in an effortless manner.
4. Controls Bad Cholesterol:
High levels of potassium ideally combined with low levels of sodium in sweet almond oil makes it the right choice for those who want to reduce the LDL or bad cholesterol in the body. Along with this, you will be able to achieve the right blood pressure levels as well.
5. Helps in Digestion:
There are laxative qualities in sweet almond oil that if included in the daily diet ensures proper digestion and a regulation of the bowel movements. Treatment of constipation is included in the list of benefits it has.
6. Strengthens Immune System:
The high levels of nutrients, vitamins and minerals ensure that the body’s immune system is strengthened well and that all the infections and diseases are kept at bay because of this. It is yet one of the benefits that you would love to have in your favour.
7. Treats Dry Skin:
There are even some moisturizing qualities that sweet almond oil is known for. The levels of vitamin E, B1, B2, B6 and A helps in removal of dryness from the skin and moisturizes the skin deeply. It also cures irritation of the skin. The easy absorption also helps in prevention of blocked pores.
8. Treats Stretch Marks:
There are some emollient qualities that sweet almond oil is known to have. This helps in making the skin strong as well as well nourished from inside. Using the sweet almond oil for massage will also help in improving the blood circulation levels. All these benefits of sweet almond oil help in prevention and treatment of stretch marks.
9. Good Hair Health:
Treatment of problems like hair loss, dull hair, split ends, frizzy hair and all kinds of hair and scalp treatments is possible with a simple use of sweet almond oil as a hair serum. It also protects the hair from pollution and damage caused by styling.