Showing posts with label beauty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beauty. Show all posts
20 easy winter health tips

For optimum health it is vital to eat a well balanced diet that is high in fibre and includes all the major food groups.
  1. For optimum health it is vital to include both soluble and insoluble fibre daily. Soluble fibre is found in foods such as psyllium husk, apples, oat bran and legumes (chickpeas, lentils). Sources of insoluble fibre include whole grains, broccoli, nuts, seeds and vegetable skins.
  2. Including fibre in your diet will offer benefits beyond your bowel. Fibre plays an important role in helping to prevent serious health conditions. Fibre can also help manage the digestive complaints associated with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
  3. The easiest way to boost your fibre intake is to eat foods in their most natural state i.e. fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grains (steel cut oats, rolled rye, brown rice, whole-wheat), legumes, nuts and seeds. If you are struggling to reach the recommended 25-30g of fibre per day, you may wish to boost your intake with a fibre supplement made from psyllium husk.
  4. Make it a priority to drink 500ml of water before breakfast. Staying well hydrated will give you more energy, mental clarity and enhanced digestive function.
    Teresa Boyce, Health Whisperer/Nutritionist.
  5. The first step to good nutrition is to remove all highly processed foods from your kitchen. This will allow room for nutrient dense, fresh foods.
  6. Preparation is key, plan your meals at the start of the week, pre cook and freeze meals ahead of busy days and always carry healthy snacks in your bag for when you are on the run.
  7. Make an effort to include raw foods such as fruits, vegetables, sprouts, nuts, seeds and fresh herbs. Raw foods provide enzymes, vitamins and disease protective antioxidants.
  8. When it comes to fruits and vegetables variety is a must. Take the time to learn what is in season and try something new. Selecting seasonal produce ensures variety, optimal taste and quality.
  9. When preparing meals you should simply think rainbow. If your plate is full of brightly coloured fresh produce you know you are on the right track.
  10. Drinking herbal tea is a tasty way to improve hydration. Herbal teas include ginger, mint, jasmine, lemon grass, and chamomile.
  11. A healthy diet is a balanced diet complete with all major food groups. Meals should contain a mixture of fibre rich carbohydrates, good quality protein and essential fatty acids.
  12. It is estimated between 30- 50% of Australia adults are deficient in vitamin D. The easiest way to increase vitamin D levels is by going for a walk outdoors and enjoying sensible sun exposure.
  13. Serving sizes have doubled over the years making it easy to overeat. Limit your portion size by eating from a smaller plate or bowl.
  14. Limit added sugars to no more than 10% of your daily calorie intake or 6- 10 teaspoons per day. To calculate how many teaspoons of sugar is in a food product divide the grams of sugar by 4. For example 16 grams of sugar is equivalent to 4 teaspoons of sugar.
  15. Probiotics are the beneficial ‘good’ bacteria essential for health and digestive function. Aim to consume probiotic rich foods like natural yogurt, fermented vegetables and fermented milk drinks on a regular basis.
  16. Health is a state of complete physical and mental well-being. Do not neglect your emotional health, take time out to stop, relax and breathe.
  17. Spice things up at meal times by using a variety of herbs and spices. Including fresh herbs will enhance flavour, texture and boost the nutrient value of any meal.
  18. Good quality sleep is vital for good health. Poor sleep can impact on everyday life affecting concentration, mood, stress levels and weight gain. Aim to get into bed early and enjoy around 8 hours of deep sleep.
  19. Fibre can benefit energy levels. Soluble fibre slows the rate of carbohydrate digestion and absorption therefore preventing blood sugar surges and crashes. Foods that are high in fibre are ideal choices for sustained, balanced energy throughout the day.
  20. Studies have indicated that consuming around 7g of soluble fibre per day can help lower blood cholesterol levels. Once consumed soluble fibre binds to cholesterol aiding its passage through the body and eventual elimination. Don’t forget to drink plenty of water, soluble fibre works best when partnered with water.
The ageing of skin is a biological process which includes two types —chronological ageing and photo-ageing. Chronological ageing is an intrinsic factor which is an inevitable process, whereas photo-ageing is an extrinsic factor which involves premature aging due to UV rays.
Now who does not want to get a natural glow? Many of you might be unaware that dal can be used to create a great face mask. Along with being a diet staple,
dal has the ability to be a vanity staple as well. The nutrients packed in moong dal can provide you with the much-required protein in your diet and can be used to combat acne and reduce puffiness on your skin. Before you leave for work soak a handful of moong dal in clean water. After you are back home from work blend the moong dal. Then wash your face and dab dry it with a towel. Take the moong dal paste and apply it on your face as a facemask and avoid the area around the eyes. Let the mask sit for 10-15 minutes and rinse your face. Try this simple tip to give your face a natural glow and feel fresh!
It is said that eyes are the doorway towards heart. Beautiful eyes always attract and appeal people. Love begins from here and therefore, they have to be enticing. But what if they have dark shadows around them? 
Would they be still counted as beautiful? Would they be still considered as enticing? Would they still be appealing? No, dark circles will take away all the enchantment from them. One more thing worth-mentioning over here is all eyes are beautiful in their own way except for those having dark circles. Hence, if you want to retain your beauty remove dark eye circles by adopting homemade techniques.
First of all, let us ponder over the causes of dark eye shadows. According to experts they are made due to many factors such as aging, distress, hereditary issues, sleeplessness, unhealthy diet, overthinking, overworking and over crying etc.
We offer you five easy and simple ways to rid from dark eye rings. Try them out and experience magical results:-
Eye Dark Circle with Lemon HomemadeLemon Juice
Lemon is probably the best remedy to remove dark shadows for it contains Vitamin C. it is because it has the property of lighten the skin tone naturally. There are two options to apply it:
For 10 minutes, apply its juice under the eyes by using a cotton bud. Wash if off afterwards and keep doing it six days a week for required results. Apply lemon juice along with turmeric powder under the dark rings for five minutes and then rinse off. Do it three times a day for best outcomes.
Romove Dark Circle with Tomato
Tomato serves as the best home remedy for eradicating dark shadows from eyes. As it has bleaching and hence, skin lightening effects.
  • Take a bowl and mash a small tomato in it. Also cut a slice of tomato in it. Apply this slice on eyes for five minutes, twice a day.
  • Or take the mashed tomato juice and mix some drops of lemon in it. Put them on dark circles for ten minutes each day for three weeks and see results.
  • Have tomato, lemon, salt and mint leaves and blend them well together. Now drink this juice twice a day for five weeks.
Rose Water
For centuries, rose water served as a women’s favorite ingredient because of its magical properties. Along with its hundreds of other benefits, it also works well for removing dark rings.
Use cotton buds to soak them in rose water; now apply it on thrice a day. Rose water not only removes dark circles but also makes eyes glowing and therefore, enchanting.
Cucumber also has astringent effects. It is always known for giving eyes a soothing and cool sensation as well. Use cucumber slice on dark shadows for about fifteen minutes and rub it gently afterwards. Or mix cucumber juice with lemon juice and apply this mixture for five minutes under eyes. Keep doing it for three days for instant result.
Lastly, raw potato juice is also useful for reducing dark circles and puffiness from eyes. It is because potato is also a blanching agent for your skin tone.
In a nutshell, all above mentioned remedies are helpful in making your eyes worth looking it. Only one thing to keep in mind is the sustainability of their use. In this way you can easily remove the eye dark circles spot.


As a former Ace certified personal trainer, I have to say Weight Watchers is the only true program that I have seen that actually works for everyone who actually works the program.
When wealthy, plugged-in urbanites want to lose weight, they don’t go on a diet. They get spiritual. A diet is something you pay attention to at breakfast, lunch, and dinner, which leaves about 21 hours to further prove a commitment to the cause. Regardless of whether you’re a juice cleanser, a raw foodist, or a 22-day vegan (à la Bey and Jay), you follow the commandments and proselytize the beliefs. You are what you eat.
Or what you don’t. Flaunting self-denial is one of the bougiest ways to show off, a means of proving that you’re experiencing a level of transcendence that mere mortals can’t fathom because they don’t possess your monklike restraint (or chia budget). It also signals that you’re in the know, privy to the most of-the-moment way to stay lithe, sharp, and ahead of everyone else.
Lost in these vision quests is the not-insignificant matter of whether the diets, you know, work. So when these anatomically obsessed apostles actually have to shed pounds, they want that old-time religion. In body-conscious urban circles, the secret weapon for executives, tastemakers, and scenesters—fashion-magazine editors and photographers (who’d staple me to my SoulCycle if I let their names slip), beauty magnates like Laura Mercier, branded personalities like Isaac Mizrahi, and rock stars like Stevie Nicks—is Weight Watchers.
That’s right, the diet that for decades has been the go-to for midwestern soccer moms and dads in pleated khakis—for residents of Manhattan, Kansas, not Manhattan the island.
For this particular, leather-pants-coveting cohort, the first rule of Weight Watchers is that you don’t talk about Weight Watchers. And why would you? The brand speaks largely through the mouth of Jessica Simpson, has boasted a photo of a giant cupcake on its website’s homepage (frosting level: cumulus), and passes out stickers as rewards during its 40,000 weekly support gatherings held in rooms that would make your urologist’s office look like a B&B Italia showroom.
Weight Watchers works, though. It’s not cool—not even ironically cool, like Rihanna using a flip phone—but counting points leads to shedding pounds, whether you’re the type to down 16 grams of beluga caviar (one point) or a Taco Bell Quesarito (17 points). Mainly, the tallying happens online—meetings are optional—and in private, like watching porn.
“For me, Weight Watchers is an executive decision, a way to approach eating like a business project,”
The CIA runs operations less clandestine than this one, which is carried out by millions of iPad Air owners, many of whose household incomes climb well into the six figures. Acolytes don’t blather on like Paleo dieters who won’t shut up about bone marrow, but neither does the guy sleeping with his homely but sexually gifted coworker.
Yet in both cases, the body is quietly getting a healthy dose of what it needs regularly.
For some, like Mickey Boardman, the 48-year-old editorial director of Paper magazine (that glass of champagne balanced on Kim Kardashian’s backside: four points), the habit becomes very regular. “I might work at a hip magazine, I might be a jet-set glamour-puss,” Boardman says, “but my people are really the ones who sneak into the bathroom and eat an entire bag of Oreos.”
Unlike other image-aware magazine types asked to comment for this story (who declined), Boardman’s not ashamed to speak up; subscribing to a down-market diet plan doesn’t bother him in the least. “After being around hipsters all day, I want housewives,” he says. “I want real people.” Sometimes he sees Oscar winners at his meetings instead. “I don’t know if I can say her name,” Boardman says. Jennifer Lawrence? “Jennifer Lawrence? No! Olympia Dukakis.
But it’s New York—you never know who you’re going to see.”
Chris Ying, the 32-year-old editor-in-chief of the food magazine Lucky Peach, doesn’t flaunt his membership. He enrolled in the online version of the program with a certain degree of testosterone-curdling hesitation.
“It took a friend signing up for me to get over the emasculating stigma,” he says. But the program paid dividends.
Ying set out to lose 20 pounds before his wedding, and by following the simple, 52-year-old advice formulated by a Brooklyn housewife named Jean, he did. “As someone who has always aimlessly ‘dieted’—generally eating less food—to keep myself from going from sort of fat to too fat, joining presented a direct path,” says Ying, who balanced the occupational challenge of meals out with chicken breasts and vegetables at home.
“All you have to do is follow their rules.”
To put it in C-suite terms, point counting means becoming the CFO of your mass—and ass. Handle the numbers correctly, and you’re in the black: black skinny jeans, little black dress, see leather-pants reference above. “For me, Weight Watchers is an executive decision, a way to approach eating like a business project,” says Mitchell Nadel, the chief financial officer of an energy-management company that serves the New York City area.
He, too, found solace in the structure, citing a congenital tendency to put on pounds fast and using Weight Watchers as a countermeasure. “It’s not a diet,” he says, 30 pounds lighter than he was last year and with six marathons under his belt. “It’s like keeping a budget. They really should market more toward finance guys.”
How to Get Beautiful, Thick, Flowing Hair without Chemicals or Harmful Processing
How to Get Beautiful, Thick, Flowing Hair without Chemicals or Harmful Processing
Most people long for the gorgeous, flowing hair they see in magazine ads and TV commercials. Sadly, reality rarely lives up to those images—and not simply because they feature good lighting, photo retouching or even genetically perfect models.

It's because we destroy our own hair.

Between years of blow drying, straightening, curling, and coloring, as well as exposure to smog and sunlight, our hair becomes a fried, thinning mess. Shampoos and hair care products rarely help. In fact, they usually cause more damage because they're loaded with synthetic chemicals, cleaners and perfumes. Even products and treatments from high-end hair salons can sometimes be suspect, only masking the damage rather than healing the hair itself.

The result? Women buy more products, pay for more salon visits, and invariable end up cutting off the damaged ends in hopes of starting fresh.

Well, that all may change thanks to OOKISA, a new hair treatment that blends long-held Asian beauty secrets with cutting-edge hair care innovations.

OOKISA combines natural Japanese botanicals like white peony tea, rooibos red tea, Japanese citrus, water lily, and camellia oil to condition hair, enhance scalp and follicle health, and increase both shine and volume. It also uses state-of-the-art ingredients like Keravis, a blend of highly concentrated vegetable proteins that enhances hair strength, and the antioxidant-rich Pyrus Maus, which promotes optimum hair thickness and softness. Combined, OOKISA leaves hair stronger, shinier, and healthier than ever before.

Hollywood has already come calling for OOKISA's benefits. Among a long list of credits, it's been featured on The Doctors, The Talk and Extra, and mentioned in magazines like Vogue and US Weekly, which also reported that such celebrities as Tori Spelling and Rachel Bilson love it.

This isn't just hype—the facts back up that devoted following. In independent clinical testing, OOKISA products were shown to:

Increase hair volume by 53%*
Reduce static by 39%*
Reduce hair breakage by 78% after a single application**
Plus, a European study demonstrated that conditioners incorporating Keravis improved bleached hair strength by 175% when compared to hair treated with no conditioner. That means OOKISA can not only make hair look and feel better, but it can help repair years of damage— and do it using more natural ingredients.

An easy and inexpensive introduction to OOKISA is with the Deluxe Hair Revitalizing System. The online offer is only $19.95 and includes the Fortifying Shampoo to purify and strengthen hair, Revitalizing Conditioner for immediate and rich hydration, and Nighttime Follicle Renewing Serum for intensive hair repair while you sleep. Used together, they promote full, glossy, healthy-looking hair.

Having beautiful hair doesn't mean spending more money on products and procedures; it just means getting the right natural treatment to do the job.
The first thing people notice about you is your eyes. No wonder girls try to make them even more irresistible and gorgeous. There are so many ways to apply fabulous makeup and numerous tricks you can use to get a stunning look. Today we will show you how to apply two different types of smokey eye makeup techniques. The first one is perfect for everyday wear. This look is guaranteed to make you stylish and feel comfortable. The second one is great for nights out. It will make you look flirtatious and sexy you will definitely turn heads. These video tutorials will surely help you to get that impressive look that you want. Watch them and look great day and night!

day makeup:

night makeup:

NEW DELHI: Regular exfoliation helps to remove excessive oil and dead skin cells. So, gear up to explore kitchen ingredients like oatmeal, milk and more for glowing skin in monsoon season, says Blossom Kochhar, chairperson, Blossom Kochhar Group of Companies.
Kochhar, a pioneer in the Indian beauty and cosmetic industry, shares how to make your own scrubs at home:
• Take crushed oatmeal and mix it with a small amount of milk. Make it into a paste and use it to exfoliate your skin. Apply and scrub it with dry finger tips for two to three minutes and leave it on for 10 minutes. Then rinse it off.
• Make a paste by mixing sandalwood powder in orange peel and Fuller’s Earth (multani mitti). The paste will help in exfoliating dead skin cells, and bring a glow to the skin.
• Prepare a homemade scrub by mixing two tablespoons of baking soda, one teaspoon of cinnamon powder, juice of half a lemon and five tablespoons of honey. Apply the paste and rinse off after five minutes. Make sure not to use it more than twice a week as over usage of baking soda can harm the skin.
• Detoxification of the skin is essential during monsoon season as it prevents allergies, puffiness and skin diseases. Rather than using harsh soaps that have a drying effect, make your own special powder. Mix equal amounts of green gram powder and Bengal gram powder and half the quantity of fenugreek seeds. Prepare a paste by mixing all these in rosewater and apply the paste generously on the entire body. The method deeply cleanses and refreshes the body.
• Mix together Fuller’s Earth, gram flour and sandalwood powder in equal quantities. Store in an air tight container. For applying, mix one tablespoon of the powder in water to make a paste. Apply evenly on the face and leave it on to dry then rinse with cold water. The homemade face mask will help remove flakes and dust.
NEW DELHI: Use soap-free cleansers and avoid bleach and facials during monsoon for healthy skin, says an expert. Here are some tips from Pankaj Agrawal, senior homeopath at the capital-based
Agrawal’s Homoeo Clinic, to prevent your skin from diseases in monsoon.
• Use a soap-free cleanser and a good scrub to keep your skin moist all the time.
• An alcohol-free toner has high humidity to open up your pores (toning is usually followed after cleansing).
• Continue using sunscreen lotions and creams even if it is cloudy.
• Heavy make-up is a huge turn off during monsoon, so opt for a water-proof make-up.
• Apply lotion-based serum to keep your skin rehydrated and brightened.
• Avoid bleaching and facials during this season as they can be more harmful and can result in rough skin.
• Wash your lips at night and apply some milk cream. Avoid lipsticks and apply coconut oil if slightly cracked.
• Always wash your face, hands and feet as soon as you reach home with lukewarm water. This makes you feel refreshed and stay healthy.
Here is an interesting video that we thought it is worth sharing.
Here is an interesting video that we thought it is worth sharing.

You will see how this girl shows a natural mixture that apparently has the power to make your lips whiter.
Check it out!
Don’t forget to share the knowledge because Sharing Is Caring!
We all use lemon in cooking because of the taste, or like a home remedy for many issues, but we also use it for beauty. The lemon lightens the skin and the hair, and it also has characteristics that are disinfectant and astringent. 
Here are the 7 ways that you can use lemons for beauty:
1. Lemon hydrates your lips
There are a lot of factors and products that making your lip look dry. Before sleeping put a little bit of lemon juice on your lips. Your lips will be hydrated.
2. Use lemon for armpit skin
The lemon will remove the dark stains from your body and also is acting as a deodorant. It is the lemon’s citric whose responsibility is to eliminate the bacteria that is causing bad smell. Make a mixture from lemon juice, honey and oatmeal, and place the mixture on your armpits. Leave it work for an hour.
3. Eliminate blackheads with lemon
The lemons are cleaning the skin and are stimulating removing of toxins, which makes them great fighters against blackheads. Scour a lemon to the skin and leave it for 10 minutes, make sure you aren’t exposed on the sun during this treatment because it could cause stains. Because of the antibacterial and astringent characteristics the lemon betters the skin’s appearance and stimulates excess oil removal.
4. Lemon provides skin care
Lemon is very helpful for those people who have oily skin. Before sleeping squeeze one lemon and use a spray or cotton apply it on your face. It is best to implement this process overnight because you shouldn’t expose yourself on the sun. Thanks to its astringent characteristics it will noticeable improve the skin’s appearance and stimulate excess oil removal.
5. Use lemons as nail whitener and strengthener
The lemon is perfect for your nails, it will strengthen them and will remove any marks from them. Mix some lemon juice with 2 tablespoons of olive oil and then put it on your nails.
6. Use lemon to reduce and improve the marks
Put some lemon juice on the affected area and leave it to work for 15 minutes and then rinse it off. This is very efficient way to diminish and improve the appearing of marks. The best time for doing this treatment is through the night because the sun can cause opposite reactions.
7. Use lemon to lighten your hair
This is the lemon’s most common beauty use, and it has been proven that the lemon is very effective for your hair. Put some lemon juice on your hair and expose it on the sun, your hair will be lighter and shinier than before. If you like to have good results do this process once in a week.
It works as a very good natural sunscreen and skin toner. A tea face mask will also help you to cure under eye dark circles. So, why limit yourself to only drinking tea. Here are some of the tea face masks for a beautiful skin. 
Tea and Banana Mask- Take 2tbsp of tea and smash one banana in a small bowl. Make a fine paste and apply it all over your face. Keep it for 15-20 minutes and then wash it off. This tea mask will not only make your face look more radiant but, also blemish free. This is one of the natural face masks that is best for hydrating your skin.
Make a cup of chamomile tea with two tea bags. Remove the bags and allow them to cool. Apply the bags on your eyes for about 10 minutes to remove puffy eyes.
Fill a bathtub with tepid water and pour 2 cups of brewed tea into the bath. Sit for about 15 to 20 minutes to allow your skin to soak up the tea. Rinse off thoroughly when finished.
Crush tea leaves and mix them in with a face cream. Make circular motions with the cream on your face and rinse thoroughly with water to help remove dry skin and deodorize.
Brew some black tea and let is cool to room temperature. Bring it into the bathroom with you and take a shower, shampooing as normal. Rinse the shampoo with regular water, and then rinse with the black tea. Let it sit for 5 minutes and then squeeze out the tea. Let your hair dry and style it as you normally would.