Showing posts with label health care. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health care. Show all posts
20 easy winter health tips

For optimum health it is vital to eat a well balanced diet that is high in fibre and includes all the major food groups.
  1. For optimum health it is vital to include both soluble and insoluble fibre daily. Soluble fibre is found in foods such as psyllium husk, apples, oat bran and legumes (chickpeas, lentils). Sources of insoluble fibre include whole grains, broccoli, nuts, seeds and vegetable skins.
  2. Including fibre in your diet will offer benefits beyond your bowel. Fibre plays an important role in helping to prevent serious health conditions. Fibre can also help manage the digestive complaints associated with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
  3. The easiest way to boost your fibre intake is to eat foods in their most natural state i.e. fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grains (steel cut oats, rolled rye, brown rice, whole-wheat), legumes, nuts and seeds. If you are struggling to reach the recommended 25-30g of fibre per day, you may wish to boost your intake with a fibre supplement made from psyllium husk.
  4. Make it a priority to drink 500ml of water before breakfast. Staying well hydrated will give you more energy, mental clarity and enhanced digestive function.
    Teresa Boyce, Health Whisperer/Nutritionist.
  5. The first step to good nutrition is to remove all highly processed foods from your kitchen. This will allow room for nutrient dense, fresh foods.
  6. Preparation is key, plan your meals at the start of the week, pre cook and freeze meals ahead of busy days and always carry healthy snacks in your bag for when you are on the run.
  7. Make an effort to include raw foods such as fruits, vegetables, sprouts, nuts, seeds and fresh herbs. Raw foods provide enzymes, vitamins and disease protective antioxidants.
  8. When it comes to fruits and vegetables variety is a must. Take the time to learn what is in season and try something new. Selecting seasonal produce ensures variety, optimal taste and quality.
  9. When preparing meals you should simply think rainbow. If your plate is full of brightly coloured fresh produce you know you are on the right track.
  10. Drinking herbal tea is a tasty way to improve hydration. Herbal teas include ginger, mint, jasmine, lemon grass, and chamomile.
  11. A healthy diet is a balanced diet complete with all major food groups. Meals should contain a mixture of fibre rich carbohydrates, good quality protein and essential fatty acids.
  12. It is estimated between 30- 50% of Australia adults are deficient in vitamin D. The easiest way to increase vitamin D levels is by going for a walk outdoors and enjoying sensible sun exposure.
  13. Serving sizes have doubled over the years making it easy to overeat. Limit your portion size by eating from a smaller plate or bowl.
  14. Limit added sugars to no more than 10% of your daily calorie intake or 6- 10 teaspoons per day. To calculate how many teaspoons of sugar is in a food product divide the grams of sugar by 4. For example 16 grams of sugar is equivalent to 4 teaspoons of sugar.
  15. Probiotics are the beneficial ‘good’ bacteria essential for health and digestive function. Aim to consume probiotic rich foods like natural yogurt, fermented vegetables and fermented milk drinks on a regular basis.
  16. Health is a state of complete physical and mental well-being. Do not neglect your emotional health, take time out to stop, relax and breathe.
  17. Spice things up at meal times by using a variety of herbs and spices. Including fresh herbs will enhance flavour, texture and boost the nutrient value of any meal.
  18. Good quality sleep is vital for good health. Poor sleep can impact on everyday life affecting concentration, mood, stress levels and weight gain. Aim to get into bed early and enjoy around 8 hours of deep sleep.
  19. Fibre can benefit energy levels. Soluble fibre slows the rate of carbohydrate digestion and absorption therefore preventing blood sugar surges and crashes. Foods that are high in fibre are ideal choices for sustained, balanced energy throughout the day.
  20. Studies have indicated that consuming around 7g of soluble fibre per day can help lower blood cholesterol levels. Once consumed soluble fibre binds to cholesterol aiding its passage through the body and eventual elimination. Don’t forget to drink plenty of water, soluble fibre works best when partnered with water.
The ageing of skin is a biological process which includes two types —chronological ageing and photo-ageing. Chronological ageing is an intrinsic factor which is an inevitable process, whereas photo-ageing is an extrinsic factor which involves premature aging due to UV rays.
I am 18 years old. Is delaying menstrual periods safe? Should I consult a gynaecologist or can I simply ask for the pills in medical shop? Which medicine should I ask for? Before how many days of beginning of menstrual cycle can I take medicine? Does it have any side effect? 
— Anonymous
NEW DELHI: Leading a stressful life? Unfortunately, it shows on your skin and hair, says an expert.

Pankaj Chaturvedi, dermatologist and specialist hair transplant surgeon at MedLinks, a centre for skin and hair treatment, shares what stress can do to skin and hair:
Acne: Since our skin and mind are deeply connected; the moment stress hormones are released, oil production in the skin increases and leads to acne breakouts.
Ageing: It is easy to identify people who are stressed because the signs of ageing such as wrinkles and dark circles start to show on their face much earlier than they should.
Hair loss: Due to stress, our blood vessels get constricted and the hair follicles are unable to get the required quantity of oxygen and other nutrients, which are necessary for hair growth. Lack of nutrients often leads to hair loss for various people who are stressed.

Here are some of the best ways to reduce stress:

• Get a nice massage. It will help to relax your body and open all the blocked energy channels.
• Exercise for some time. It motivates you and lifts your mood. It helps to energise you and is the key to a healthy body.
• Meditate for at least 15 to 20 minutes per day. You can do it any time, any place at your convenience. Sitting in peace can help you to focus your thoughts and help release stress.
• Eat small frequent meals and eat healthy food.
Some foods that are really good for busting stress include almonds, blueberries and salmon.
• Sleep for at least eight hours. Lack of sleep makes a person cranky and irritable. Nothing can beat a good night’s sleep in releasing stress.

Just when you thought you were stunting premature aging with some designer eye cream, you forgot a few major anti-aging essentials — 10 of them, to be exact. Everything from sunscreen to milk is scientifically proven to strike a figurative ax on your more-than-real wrinkles and sagging skin. We rounded up 10 things men do that unfortunately make them look 40 in their 20s, and age faster than their normal, biological pace.


You literally look older with lack of sleep. Less than six hours can give you dark circles around the eyes and sagging skin. Furthermore, lack of sleep alters hormones and metabolism, which could increase the severity of age-related ailments like diabetes, obesity and hypertension.


Studies show that we lose .5% to 1% of our lean muscle mass every year, starting as early as our 30s. Additionally, muscle strength declines 12 to 15 percent per decade. The less muscle you have, the more likely you’ll be sedentary (see No. 8).Yikes. Double up on the milk. Amino acids in protein are the building blocks of muscle, and milk contains whey, an excellent source of leucine, a powerhouse protein stimulus.

SHA_TV_LC-52DH77E_front8. TOO MUCH TV –

Game of Thrones is a great show, but you might want to cool it on the binge watching. A sedentary lifestyle contributes to premature aging, mostly due to the lack of exercise that tones your muscles and gets blood flowing. The lack of exercise and mobility in your life is nothing but a fast track to heart disease, obesity and other factors that lead to a shorter life. Oh, and keep this up and you’re at risk of dementia.

National-Doughnut-Day-Deal7. TOO MUCH DOUGHNUT CONSUMPTION –

Homer Simpson may be our hero, but if he were an actual human, well, he’d most likely be six-feet under. While processed sugar is delicious, it’s lethal. White sugar speeds up the aging process by binding to and eventually weakening the collagen in your skin, leading to premature wrinkles and sagging. Also, sugar molecules in your system cause protein fibers to become weak (a process called glycation) and can promote tissue damage and chronic inflammation, leading to cataracts, liver disease and more ailments.

askwomen-how-much-alcohol-is-too-much-on-a-first-date-1073130-TwoByOne6. TOO MUCH ALCOHOL –

Probably the saddest reality to one of life’s greatest joys is alcohol’s abuse of our skin. Not only does it dehydrate (which we’re well aware of), but alcohol consumption on a regular basis does a harmful number on your vitality. Alcohol has no nutrients (shocker!), which adversely affects nutrition levels and has a negative impact on the body’s vitamin A, a very important antioxidant for regeneration of new cells and collagen production. Just ask Dr. Oz. Alcohol also enlarges skin vessels, which lose quality and tone when actually enlarged for a long period of time.

istock_000013964017small-60cac9958c1ec76abc82d3e3363921e73125e604-s6-c305. LONG WORK HOURS –

Stress is one of the leading contributors to faster aging, and working long hours is beyond stress-inducing. When constantly under pressure, chronic stress chemicals are released, wreaking major havoc on your cells and causing detrimental biological changes, not to mention insomnia and heart disease. According to a recent study, work-related exhaustion can have a harmful effect on critical DNA in the cells, ultimately leading to Parkinson’s, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer.


If you’re a steak and potatoes type of guy, try fish and vegetables. Fish is known to be rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which is a major anti-inflammatory, one of the best ways to prevent aging. It’s great for skin, heart, hair and the immune system. It also boosts preservation of DNA segments — called telomeres — in your white blood cells, which help prevent aging. Need inspiration? Look at the Japanese, who have the highest life expectancy in the world, partly thanks to their regular fish intake.

smoking3. SMOKING –

James Dean may have made smoking look cool, but should he be alive today, he’d look 183 years old. Not only is smoking bad for your health (and secondhand smoke wrecks others around you), but studies show it increases your risk for heart and lung disease. It also activates enzymes that break down the skin’s elasticity. If that’s not enough, smoking depletes the body’s vitamin C, which keeps skin moist and plump. Think twice before you light up!

chemical-screens-Copy2. NOT WEARING SUNSCREEN –

Sure, sunscreen may help prevent dry skin, sun burns and even skin cancer, but it also protects against photo aging, which is wrinkles, spots and loss of elasticity caused by the sun’s ultraviolet radiation. Without sunscreen, these may appear faster than you can imagine. UVA radiation notoriously robs the skin of its natural ability to hold shape and does nothing but wreak havoc on smooth skin.

New-York-City-Skyline1. CITY LIFE –

There’s a reason why many locals in quiet villages and towns — mostly in Asia or Europe — live for almost a full century. There’s no crazy fast-food culture, the environments are walking-friendly and locals have great devotion to their faith. And sometimes, according to NBC, just being Asian helps you live longer, should you be so lucky.

Top 9 Benefits of Dates

Dates are regular dry fruits which have a sweet taste and a sticky or greasy texture. It is a rich source of Vitamins and minerals and should be consumed on a frequent basis. Dates have often been used to prepare dressings, salads and different kinds of dishes and are a popular fruit in the Middle East. In fact, during the holy month of Ramzan, Muslims stress on eating a lot of dates. This one is great for the health as it increases blood circulation and restores your health. In order to learn more about dates, you may refer to this article that has been written primarily for your understanding and benefit.

Instant Energy:

The first and most important benefit that you will derive from the date fruit is instant energy. Since they are full of glucose, you will feel great bursts of energy throughout the day. You will be able to work for longer periods of time without any stress. Having just a handful of dates every day shall replenish all the sugar in your body within a couple of minutes. This is why doctors have suggested the use of dates for pregnant women and growing children who always need energy to carry on with their daily activities.

Source of Proteins:

As we all know, our body needs a good amount of protein to function properly and in order to do so, we must use the goodness of healthy and tasty fruits which is available to us in abundance. One such fruit that is full of protein is dates. It is very much essential for the normal functioning of the body and builds blocks of muscles for us. So if you want an attractive and healthy shape, use some dates as they are a fine idea.

Provides Relief to Constipation:

Dates also provide relief to those who suffer with constipation. It can be used as a laxative. All you need to do for this is combine some dates in a bowl full of healthy salad and have it at least two times a day. You can also pop into your mouth directly. Take this salad every day and you will definitely get some good results. Dates can kill the bacteria in your system that cause constipation and restore good health. If it still doesn’t help, you may consult your doctor or physician for further advice.

Blood Circulation and Skin:

Dates are great when it comes to improving your skin complexion. It is indeed the best when it comes to cleansing and taking care of your entire system. It acts as an antioxidant and allows your body to function normally. Proper blood circulation will allow your skin to glow and the texture of your hair to become thick, shiny and beautiful only within some time. So if you want to look beautiful, we suggest you make use of some amazing and beneficial dates. We guarantee you will not regret.
Sexual Related Problems:
In order to deal with sexual related problems, you should use dates. According to several studies, if you have sexual problems or you even suffer with impotency, you should never hesitate to use dates. They will spice up your sex life and act as an aphrodisiac. This is truly the best and has been used by so many people across the world. In fact, doctors have also advised us to have some dates on a regular basis. You will surely feel a difference soon.
Makes your Hair smooth:
Another great thing that dates can do for you is softening your hair. If you think your hair is too rough or dry, all you will need is some dates to solve this problem. For this purpose, you could simply use some date oil. They will give you hair all the nutrition it needs. Simply take some date oil and massage it all over the hair very gently. Massage for about five minutes and then let it stay that way for about half n hour and then you can wash it off with cold water. You should also shampoo for better results.
Reduces Split Ends and Hair Breakage:
A lot of women have complained that their hair breaks quite often. This is because of bad hair routine, bad eating habits and bad weather. A quick and easy solution to this problem is date fruits. It has essential nutrients such as vitamin A that is necessary for beautiful hair. It will control hair damage and split ends and also smoothen out the cuticles. For best results, use the combination of olive oil and jojoba oil along with date oil.
Makes Hair Dark and Shiny:
An amazing and great way to get you dark, thick, attractive and shiny hair is by using some date oil. Due to chemical treatment and bad weather, our hair tends to get rough and damaged. It increases shine to your hair from your root to the tip and also gives it a very silky and smooth surface. For best results, all you need to do is mix some quantity of date oil with your favorite mousse or serum and apply all over your hair. After you wash your hair, you will notice your locks have become much more shiny and beautiful.
Strengthens Your Hair:
All of us are tired of incessant hair fall aren’t we? This tends to spoil our and makes us look significantly unattractive. A smart and easy way to strengthen your hair and give it that beautiful and natural appearance, we would suggest to you to make use of date oil. This will strengthen your hair follicles and smoothen your tresses only within a week. Now every time you brush your hair, you don’t have to worry about your hair fall. This is because of the date oil extracted from the tasty and edible dates.
The delicious and juicy litchi fruits are probably some of the good things about summer. They are tropical fruits that have grown in countries like China and Taiwan and South East Asia. They are seasonal fruits and are generally oval in shape. The surface is red in colour and generally hard. But the insides are soft and sweet. It also has a seed inside it which is hard as well. Litchis have often been used to prepare salads and litchi juice. Some have even gone to the extent of making litchi ice creams. A basic idea about litchis and its top benefits have been enlisted in this article for your understanding.

Strengthening Your Bones:

The final and most interesting benefits you will derive from litchi are the strengthening of bones. Since they are full of Vitamins and minerals you can expect your body to become stronger than before only within a couple of months. The blood clotting process shall be improves and you shall be stronger and fitter than ever. This is one of the top reasons why several doctors and experts have advised us, especially children and old people to have okra on a daily basis.

Protection against Cancer:

Speaking of protection against deadly and hazardous diseases such as cancer, you can always stop them before they develop in your body. But how will you do this? This can be done with the help of the simple and amazing litchi fruits. They will reduce the production of cancer producing cells and keep you far away from such dreadful conditions. It has the ability to reduce the proliferation of cells that cause cancer and protect you from breast cancer.

Great for Weight Loss and Obesity:

These days obesity is on an increase, primarily because unhealthy items are being sold largely as compared to healthy ones. The oils in which most of the items are cooked tend to be very cheap in quality. This turns out to be very bad for the health and therefore leads to obesity. A simple and smart way to shed some weight is by incorporating some sweet litchis in your diet. One such vegetable that makes your task easier are lady’s finger. They are low in calories and great for the health. Either you have it raw or cooked, with litchis you can bid farewell to obesity forever.
People who have often complained about their digestive system often suffer with constipation, stomach infection and vomiting. These common problems make your body weak and cause enough discomfort. It also keeps you miles away from living a life that is fit and healthy. One such fruit that will improve your digestive system significantly are litchi fruits. They free from digestive tract from any intestinal worms and other toxic compounds which basically clean your colon and ensure you good health.
Lovely Skin:
One of the finest fruits that you can have these days is litchi fruits. They are indeed great for your face and skin. They will improve the texture and color of your face and even the tone as well. If you have damaged or dry skin, you should consider this fruit as this will hydrate you and make your facial skin soft, smooth and supple. The best way to have them is in a diet or even some cold and tasty litchi juice. We assure you that you won’t be depressed with the results.
Anti-ageing Benefits:
Another cool benefit you can derive from litchis this year is that it will significantly reduce signs of ageing such as wrinkles, fine lines, dark spots and wrinkles. All you should do is mix some litchi juice with lime juice and apply this all over your face. Keep this for about 20 minutes and wash off with cold water. Do this for a couple of benefits and you will surely derive great results. Your skin will be younger, radiant and much more beautiful than before.
Gives you good hair:
Good hair is a symbol of confidence and beauty. But keeping it under constant exposure of the sun or using fancy hair products all the time will make it dull, brittle and frizzy. Unhealthy hair can cause great damage and loss. If your hair keeps falling and you don’t do anything to take care of it, you might actually become bald. So in order to have good and healthy hair, you should use the goodness of litchi. All you must do is drink a lot of litchi juice or even apply and massage litchi juice on your hair. Keep it for a while and then shampoo your hair as usual. We assure you that the results will surprise you.
Another awesome benefit you may reap from litchis is freedom from acne. Breakouts, pimples and acne usually occur among those who have bad skin routine.  Even those who have oily skin tend to face the same kind of problem. An effective way to fight this problem is by having some litchis. All you need to do for this purpose apply litchi juice on your face. You can also take the seeds of this fruit, crush it in a blender and add it to some milk and yogurt. Apply it all over your face, let it stay for 20 minutes and cold water to wash it off. You will see results only within a week.

Builds Your Immunity:

In order to build your immune system and make it strong, have some litchis. They are the best and very much natural. You will be far away from dangerous diseases and conditions and protect yourself in many ways. In order to fight from serious infections, make good use of litchis. We can assure you that you are going to benefit out of it. There is no way you are going to be disappointed.

It is just more than what the color of the veggie makes us happy for, and much more than just being a veggie which has plenty of antioxidants in it. Yes folks, the delightful capsicum has come a long way than just being a source of antioxidants or a culinary delight. The veggie has beautiful colors no doubt and the name for the veggie is derived from where it comes. For example;
  • The British call them chilli peppers, green peppers, red peppers or even sweet pepper
  • The Canadians call them bell peppers
  • The Americans call them bell peppers
  • Australians and Asians call them capsicum
  • Across the world capsicums are also called paprika, jalapeno and cayenne as well
  • Capsicums are available across the globe in varied names and colors. For example;
  • Purple and green capsicums are known for their high pungent quality and bitter taste
  • Yellow and red capsicums are known for their mild flavor and sweetness
  • Red peppers are actually green capsicums that have ripened over time.
The benefits:
The stronger the colour of capsicum, the more amount of anti-oxidants found in them, say experts. It is said a small capsicum can give one a lot of vitamin C all on it’s own, much more than grape or citrus foods.
The phytochemical range in each capsicum colour would be different, and so would the nutrients be as well. Let’s take a look at which colour capsicums would do what, nutrition wise.
  • Yellow capsicum provides zeaxanthin and Lutein
  • Red capsicum provides lycopene and astaxanthin
  • Orange capsicum provides carotene, alpha, beta and gamma
  • Purple capsicum provides anthocyanin
Experts opine that the concentration of vitamins, A,C and E all of which are antioxidants too are very high in capsicums. This is why we say, eat your capsicums to ensure that the free radical damages are neutralized in the long run. With the help of such anti-oxidants, the body would be free from toxicity and carcinogenic effects too. Apart from the mentioned nutrition benefits, capsicums are rich houses for the following;
  • vitamin B complex
  • potassium
  • manganese
  • thiamine
  • molybdenum
  • tryptophan
  • copper
  • cobalt
  • zinc
Capsicum health benefits:
For many centuries now, the use of capsicums has been extensive, especially for health and well-being. However, it is only in recent times that the medicinal and healing properties for the same are being studied and researched on. In most cases it has been proven that capsicums indeed are remarkable for their healing and medicinal properties. The veggie is dense and full of nutrients, and when combined with other veggies, fruits and herbs, the capsicums’ nutrient quotient is on the double.
1. Anti fungal and anti bacterial qualities found in capsicum, along with antiseptic healing properties too. This is good news for those who try combating cases of food poisoning. Capsicums also help people suffering from fungal and viral problems, yeast infections, shingles, ringworms and the works as well.
 The antioxidants are higher in capsicums of darker colours, and we all know how important it is to have antioxidants as a gladiator, which would help us fight free radical damages the natural way.
3. If you or someone you know suffers occasionally from blood clotting, capsicums can help. This is because the veggie has vitamin C in it, which prevents the clotting of blood and reduces the risks of strokes too.
4. A capsicum a day can keep cancer at bay, say experts. This is because of the rich source of phytonutrients and antioxidants in it. The two when combined can help prevent cancers, especially around the prostrate, pancreas, bladder and the cervix.
5. Bring down your cholesterol levels, the LDL to be specific by munching on capsicums, say experts. The antioxidant concentration in dark capsicums are higher than the light ones, which when eaten would help fight the oxidation process in the blood. In doing so, you not only bring down LDL levels, but also battle high blood pressure too
6. When the winds blow cold and rough, cold feet can happen. Ancient remedies prescribe cutting a capsicum into half and placing them in your socks. The heat in moderate amounts generated from the capsicum piece would keep the feet warm and toasty
7. Need help with your bowel movements, enjoy a capsicum tonight. The next morning the capsicum would show you how well it worked on the digestive tract. Even the gas problems in the stomach would be done away with. Doctors say, capsicums help with stomach ulcers and other infections too
8. The immune system needs help, which is why capsicums are recommended since it has vitamin C in it. Vitamin C helps the white cells battle it out, and hence the immunity is boosted on a large scale when capsicums are consumed
9. Enhance your metabolism by indulging in capsicums everyday. This would help lower triglycerides and burn calories efficiently as well.
Other benefits of capsicums:
a. With a capsicum eaten, the vitamin C would help heal the body from within, repair and build up damaged tissues internally, support the mucous membranes, stop nose bleeding and more.
b. Thanks to the abundance of vitamin C in capsicums, your eyes would be in good health, good vision, good eyesight etc, and you would not have to worry about macular degeneration, cataracts and astigmatism too
c. Capsicums help as pain relief gladiators, since it doesn’t allow pain to be transmitted. The next time you have a migraine or a headache, eat a capsicum
These were the best nine reasons why we love capsicum. If you would like to share some of your tips and ideas with us, please feel free to write in or comment below. We love hearing from you as we love sharing with you.
No matter what the season or the reason, chewing a juicy red tomato brings in a whole load of benefits to the body. The best part is, you dont have to wait for a particular time of the year to arrive to have the luscious red delights, they are available the year round. Right from nutrition to health care, well being to peace of mind, the sensual tomatoes have so much to offer our bodies with. This is why people grow and cultivate their own tomatoes, and almost every single house in the whole wide world has a kilo of them in the fridge for varied uses and needs. 

a. Weight loss, since the calories are as good as non-existent in them
b. Helps with burning fats in the body
c. Have a lot of vitamin C in them
d. Helps bring down or prevent diabetes
e. Helps keep the skin and hair in good stead
Experts opine that tomatoes are a favourite amongst the health conscious people, and this is why we too would like to share with you the best reasons as to why you should have a bite or more of them too. Hence please read on and be well-informed for the same.

Health benefits:
1. There are plenty of nutrients to be found in a tomato, and when you eat or juice the little one up, you would be full for a long time. No wonder people who are on a diet swear by the power of tomatoes, and it helps lose weight as well, especially when had on an empty stomach, any time during the day.
2. The humble tomato is a powerhouse of antioxidants, which is good news for those who are conscious about their health and skin. If you dont want to have the veggie as a veggie, have it as juice and make sure it is fresh, you would get all the benefits in equal measure. The antioxidants would keep the body safe from the harmful UV rays of the sun, and also keep the skin in good condition for a long time too. The antioxidants also have the power to combat free radical damages, which if left unchecked can create miseries for our skin and bring in cancers too
3. Once again, if you want to have skin which looks and feel fresh, young and supple, or would like to bring down the ageing process, a tomato a day rubbed on the skin or even consumed raw would work wonders. Pollution and other elements around can play truant, but the tomato with all its powers can help, say sources
4. Tomatoes have a lot of nutrients, vitamins and minerals in them, and you would have plenty of vitamin A,C and K in the body, along with folate, fibre and potassium too. Even the water in the veggie would keep the body filled, and this allows the human system to function and work perfectly well, say experts
5. Most of us suffer from bowel movements and irritating constipation, which can be annoying and harrowing to start the day with. The tomato has powers to cure that as well, thanks to the abundance of fibre in it, say experts. The digestive tract would be helped, the colon would be kept free of ulcers and cancers and the bowel movements would be easy too. Excess waste and toxins would be absorbed by the veggie, toxins would be eliminated and the internals would be cleaned too.
6. Looking for energy, vigour and vitality, the nutrients in tomatoes would give that and more. This is because tomatoes have a lot of potassium and sodium in it, vital for energising the body. You now would be ready to beat the stress and especially when your first meal in the morning is a glass of tomato juice or salads with tomato in it.
7. Weight loss and waist management assured when you have a tomato on an empty stomach every morning, and before every meal. Tomatoes are allies to body fitness, and hence help with weight reduction too. The veggie is a powerhouse of fibre, which keeps the stomach full for a very long time to come.
8. To bring down LDL or bad cholesterol in the body and to promote HDL or good cholesterol, have tomatoes in your meals everyday, say experts. Blood pressure too would be taken care of and regulated.
9. Tomatoes help to detox the body in more ways than one, in short, it helps eliminate toxins and waste material, and keeps the body hydrated all day long.
More information:
The phytonutrients found in tomatoes would help men stay far away from prostrate cancer. The prostrate would also be taken care of when lycopene found in tomatoes enter the body. Men mostly hate veggies, so what you could do is have tomatoes in their salads or make pasta with tomato sauce and serve. If he works out, make him a glass of tomato juice every morning on an empty stomach, he would thank you for it.
The pancreas too should be cared for, and for that the juice or a salad with tomatoes in it would do wonders. Cancers of the pancreas can be avoided when over consumption of alcohol is stopped, since the oxidation process too would stop. However, thanks to the carotenoids and beta-carotenes in the tomato, the body would be cared for, especially the pancreas, say experts.
These were the best nine reasons why we love tomato. If you would like to share some of your tips and ideas with us, please feel free to write in or comment below. We love hearing from you as we love sharing with you.
Guavas are a pretty common type of fruit that has been often been neglected because of the hard skin and seeds that it contains. But this is what we can also call a super food. Why? Because this is full of health and nutrition and are so much better than all those calorie filled desserts. They are sweet in taste and can be eaten by slicing. In order to learn more about guava, the first thing you have to do is take a bite of it. The next thing you should do is read up this article that contains all the details and benefits that these lovely and tasty fruits can provide you with. So let’s go!
Improves Your Digestive System:
A great way to improve your digestive system is by incorporating some guavas to your diet. They will cleanse your system entirely and fight all bacteria and germs. Not only will you be able to excrete and urinate properly but also prevent all kinds of stomach infection, indigestion and constipation. With guavas, you can expect timely bowel movement and the proper regulation of your health. Therefore if you want a good digestive system, have guavas.
Rejuvenates Your Skin:
Your skin is the most important segment of your body. Your whole appearance depends on it. Therefore, you have to take good care of your skin so that can always look bright, young and beautiful. A great way to solve rejuvenates the tone of your skin and improves its texture and color is by having some Guavas. You can drink it down in the form of juice or simply the juice extracted from it a skin toner. Keep it for twenty minutes and wash off with cold water. This will exfoliate your skin, remove dead cells and make you look amazing.
Helps You Lose Weight:
Guavas are healthy and tasty fruits which are very low in calories. They can be eaten in unlimited quantities all throughout the day and you will still not gain weight. This is because of the high water content. They will not only keep you away from over indulging or eating in-between meals but also let you stay full for longer periods of time. In this way, you will be able to lose a lot of weight and burn body fat. This is one of the top reasons why most experts suggest all diet freaks to have guavas.
Best for Diabetes:
A great way to fight diabetes is by adding some guava to your diet. They will protect your health from this disease in several ways. Not just that, if you have diabetes, you can still have some of these guavas in order to improve your health. By the end of the month, you will definitely see a lot of changes in your body and health with the help of this amazing fruit. You can simply eat it as a fruit, have it as juice or even add it to your salad. Either way you are going to benefit immensely and see significant improvement.
Protection from Anti-Ageing:
In order to protect yourself from fine lines of ageing, wrinkles and dark spots, we would suggest you some guavas. They are amazing fruits that will protect your skin from the harshest rays of the sun and allow your skin to be firm, tight and healthy all throughout the year. If you are in your early thirties, you must be aware of fine lines, wrinkles and dark spots. In order to protect yourself from such problems, consider guavas as your only help.
Use It for Salads:
Guava can be used for making healthy salads. Whether you are at a wedding party or are simply having a salad at home, you can easily use this vegetable as a dressing. They are low in calories and full of health and nutrition. Every time you are thinking of preparing a salad, simply take add slices of guava to your apples, banana and pineapple. Another way of eating it can be by cutting the guava into four pieces, adding salt and pepper to it. It will taste really good.
Promotes Hair Growth:
A great way to support and promote hair growth and strengthen it is by using mulberries. They are not just excellent for the health and skin but also for the hair. If you look up the internet, you will find several homemade remedies for longer, thicker and stronger hair. This fruit contains all the nutrition you need in order to make your hair look like a million bucks and also maintain its moisturization. It will strengthen your hair from the root to the tips and you will be able to maintain your hair well. They are organic and one of the best solutions to hair problem.
Regulates Your Blood Pressure:
The juicy and tasty guava fruit is also something you could use in order to regulate your blood pressure. They contain high levels of vitamins and minerals which is so important for regulation of your blood pressure. You will protect your heart against strokes, heart attacks and other life threatening diseases. Not only that, the potassium contained in this guava shall ever allow your blood pressure level to become too high. This is one of the most important reasons why fruits such as guavas have been recommended for blood pressure patients.
Keeps You Away From Diseases:
The best benefit you can derive from guavas is that they will keep you miles away from dangerous diseases. If you ever speak to your doctor or nutritionist, they will always tell you to incorporate more of citrus fruits in your diet because they are going to control the symptoms and chances of several diseases. This is specifically relevant to people those who could be prone to cancer. Guavas are the best in protecting your body.